Wednesday 3 November 2010


A music video that is similar to the video i propose to shoot is Furr by blitzen Trapper.
The titles of the music video are almost identical to the way i was proposing to shoot mine where by the band name is cut out in letters and then the letters are jumbled and re order themselves to spell the title of the song. I am animating it in a very similar way so that it flows perfectly into two seperate titles.
The rest of the video is fairly similar in the way that images are used and cut out in order to visually explain what is happening. In most stop motion videos the images are taken on a normal camera of people, places ect. The difference in my video is that i have used picutres ( like the Furr video) to create my video. Other parts of the video are of the band live, as there are fairly large parts of the song which are repetitive, especially the chorus and the bridge. The images explain the narrative of the lyrics and follow with the story of the song almost identically, to tell a story if you will. The narrative of the song is based on the common joke about a man who has an orange for a head.

I felt that animation really was the best way i could depict the song in a video.

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