Thursday 20 January 2011

More ideas for Album Artwork (not finished)

I decided to expand my ideas and looked into even more ideas to encorperate into my album cover. I want to somehow inclue the themes of the song, The man with an orange for a head, or include something to do with sheffield, and the origion of the band. The first album is by a band called "band of horses" they have a simplisic Landscape image of the moon over the sea with a clever artistic reflection and the bands name in calligraphy across the front. There is no album title on this album which would lead me to assume that it is self titled. I think this is a nice idea but i would find it hard to link an album cover like this to my band.

Below is a new idea ive had to have lyrics written in the background of my album cover with maybe the band name over the top. I like that "the earth is not a cold dead place" is hand written and the band name stands out as its in red and not in black. This is effective and different to any of the ideas ive looked at. i like the idea of having the album title as the main writing and having the artist standing out in a different colour.
Math and Physics Club - Baby i'm yours.
Math andPhysics club album artwork is really interesting, i liked this one because i hadnt really seen much like it. I like the colours and the photo that is used. I'd like to encorperate this idea with the idea above and have the title in the background of the image over and over again.

Vampire weekend - Contra
Simplistic yet effective, i like the colours used and the way that the band name and album title really stands out against the image therefor is easily recognisable.

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