Sunday 10 October 2010

Audience Research.

As part of my Audience Research I took part in the website.

It askes you a series of questions based mainly around your consumer habits. E.g. Tv, Newspapers, Music and Lifestyle. It askes you about the contents of your bag, the drugs you have consumed, the magazines you read, the tv you watch, the type of alcohol you drink and all of this infomation helps to catagorise you by your consumer habits into one of the following. There is a massive grey area when it comes to defining people based on music and to an extent the way they dress but this website goes into more depth down to what newspapers you read, radio stationsyou listen to, Drugs you have taken, Internet Use.... the list goes on. I think that there will always be some exceptions, however this website is fairly accurate. For Example, the First time i did it i was labeled an "Indie Scenester" I resubmitted my answeres and it changed a few minor things and was labeled a "Skater" and was closely linked with a "Mosher". I would not classify myself as any of these however i can see how the website has linked me to them through the infomation i put in. Certain aspects of my lifestyle can be linked with Skaters for example the music i listen to, the way i like to live my life and sometimes the clothes i wear. Alot of the things that can link me to these specific tribes are really to do with music. I like a large variety of music but prodominantly the music that i listen to The same with Indie Scenesters, i am definately not an 'indie scenester' but i can understand how the computer generated that answer based on what i submitted.

The Highest percent of people in most places were Townies and closley second was indie Scenesters. These two lifestyles are most popular across britan at the moment. On find your tribe you can find out what the biggest "tribe" in your part of the country is, based on the FindYourTribe Statistics. For example the largest "tribe" in Norwich is indie Scenesters but in Scotland the highest percentage of people are townies. I think that this website only takes into account people that are the extremes of these tribes, However some people like myself fall between several catagories will be labeled as one.

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